Divorce in Italy


VGS Family Lawyers is specialised in assisting multinational clients and cross borders family law cases with a focus on Italian Law and Italian jurisdiction. If you are an Italian residing abroad or a foregneir and you have to deal with an Italian separation or divorce then we can represent you, both in court and/or out of court proceedings.

Our Divorce Team is made of expert litigators and all our lawyers are experienced family mediators. We are aware that separation and divorce may be stressfull experiences and that is why it is of utmost importance to select the right lawyer.

We like to say that our assistance is not limited to legal and court assistance, but it is extended to cover the role of a “divorce advisor”: this includes financial advise as well as strategic asset protection with particular focus on investigation when it comes to ask for alimony or child maintenance. We are particularly proud that our divorce team is integrated by criminal lawyers as to cover all potential criminal offences and liabilities which may be perpetrated within the context of a separation or a divorce (e.g.: sexual harrassment; stalking; defamation; domestic violence and child abduction).

Should you need further information or assistance feel free to contact us: