Establishing a business in Italy: an overview
According to Italian Law, the main business vehicles are companies such as Limited Liability Company (Società a responsabilità limitata), joint stock company, (Società per azioni) or Company limited by shares (Società in accomandita per azioni). Additionally, another tool is represented by partnerships; which include simple partnership, (Società semplice), general partnership, (Società in nome collettivo) and […]
Italian spouse’s inheritance rights: an overview
According to art.540 Italian Civil Code, the surviving spouse has the right to a share of the heritage. In addition, the spouse has dwelling rights over the family home and the right to use furniture that characterised the family house. According to Italian Law, the surviving spouse is one of those parties who is entitled […]
Italian alimony and cohabitation outside marriage
According to Italian Cassation Court, the presence of a new stable cohabitation with another subject justifies the withdrawing of alimony legal obligation. With the ordinance N. 22064/2020, the Italian Supreme Court confirms that a new stable cohabitation, characterised by economic and moral assistance denies alimony requirements. The Italian Cassation Court has overturned previous Court of […]
Italian Consensual Separation: a brief guidelines
According to Italian Law, the “consensual” or “mutual” separation is the separation scheme that relies over spouses’ mutual agreements to proceed with the separation. Important to notice, with the mutual separation, spouses decide to diminish their matrimonial ties while reorganizing their economic situation and possible child custody. In such context, a separation constitutes the previous […]
Italian divorce agreement: the duration of marriage
According to the Italian Law, marriage duration constitutes an important requirement for the assessment of alimony. Specifically, the duration of the marriage may influence the amount or denying the economic support itself. In the present case, Verona first instance Court denied spouse alimony due to the “time-factor”. In fact, the Judge assessed that three years […]