Italy’s housing market predictions and COVID-19 impact
Last year, Italian housing market was stable. In details, there was a relevant increase of demand but, at the same time, less residential housings. However, within such uncertain landscape, COVID-19 impact shall be assessed. In fact, in the first trimester Italian house market registered a slowdown in terms of mandate for selling or renting. According […]
Italian lease agreement: an outline
According to Italian Civil Law, article 1571 states that the lease agreement is a contract to which the landlord undertakes to benefit the tenant with a movable or immovable asset. Based on that, the lease agreement depends on the nature of the good object of the contract. The landlord is usually the owner of the […]
Italian separation and religious differences between the spouses
Religious freedom is one of the core value of Italian legal tradition and it reflects individuals’ freedom to believe and finding salvation in any God. At the same time, Italian Law protects individual’s freedom to not have any religion. Religious freedom is even more delicate when an issue raises between separated spouses. In the present […]
Italian family and how infidelity may be cause for separation
First instance Court of Bari just decided (Sentence No. 2525/2020) in relation to a charge request forwarded by a man against his spouse, which announced on Facebook her new relationship with a new man. The former husband is affected by multiple sclerosis while the young wife started to share posts and contents about her new […]
Italian Cohabitation agreement: an outline
The cohabitation agreement is a precious and recent instrument that may achieve important results. In fact, those couples that do not want to get married while aiming to stabilise their economic relations may opt for a cohabitation agreement. The agreement shall be in writing and it shall be a “public agreement” by the notary […]