Alimony vs Divorce Allowance

The divorce allowance is the potential obligation of one of the spouses to pay the other one a sum of money, either periodically or in a lump sum, determined by the Court on the basis of legal criteria, as a legal consequence of the divorce. The legislation of divorce is set forth by Law no. […]

Divorce. How to quantify the alimony

The Joint Chambers of the Italian Supreme Court have recently established the criteria upon which the allowance has to be quantified in a divorce proceeding (SS. UU. Judgement of July 11, 2018, no. 18287). In order to calculate the divorce allowance referred to in Article 5 of the L. 1 December 1970, n. 898, it is […]

Divorce allowance and burden of proof

According to the recent ruling of the Italian Supreme Court, the spouse applying for the divorce allowance has the burden of proving the lack of an adequate income. The divorce allowance does not only aim at restoring the previous standard of living during the marriage, but the divorce allowance must also be sufficient for an […]

Alimony from siblings

The Italian law (Article 433 of the Italian Civil Code) establishes that the obligation to pay the alimony, claimed by indigent family members, can be asked also to siblings. The law provides for certain requirements in order to obtain the alimony: The state of need: it is necessary to demonstrate that you are indigent and […]

Failure to pay Alimony and Moral Damages

If the former spouse fails to pay the alimony, he or she may be liable to compensate the other spouse for the damages caused by this failure. This principle has been recently confirmed by judgement no. 17144/2018 of the Court of Rome. The case involved a couple of former spouses, whose husband had repeatedly missed […]