Marriage abroad and registration in Italy: how to proceed?

A marriage contracted abroad is equivalent to a civil marriage celebrated in Italy. Clearly, the marriage act must comply with the prerequisites required by our civil code, such as ‘free status’. Therefore, the marriage will be valid regardless of its transcription in the Italian civil-status registers. What is the transcription for? An Italian citizen who […]
Violation of parental rights is a criminal offence

To prevent the former spouse from spending holidays with daughter is a criminal offence Conviction for the mother who went out of her way and organised herself to prevent her daughter from spending the month-long holiday recognised by the judge with her father. The child was evidently instrumentalised in her parents’ divorce proceedings, so much […]
Divorce allowance to the former spouse who is unemployed

An Italian couple divorces, the court charges the husband with a divorce allowance of €1,400 to be revalued annually according to ISTAT indices and orders him to pay, also, the overall costs of the judicial proceedings. The man appealed and asked for the amount of the divorce allowance to be reduced. The court dismisses the […]