Italian real estate taxes related to purchase
If you are a foreign citizen willing to invest in real estate in Italy, you shall have a clear overview of the Italian real estate taxation. In fact, the Italian real estate tax regime for properties can be a bit confusing. This is a short summary of the main taxes to budget. First of all, […]
Real Estate investment in Italy
The real estate market has always been the most coveted sector by investors, who usually consider it to be quite stable and solid. In fact, thanks to its nature as a real asset, the related investments are characterized by low correlations with equity markets and stable cash-flows overtime, unlike stocks and bonds. Investing in a […]
Real estate taxes under Italian Law
If you are planning to buy or have already bought a property in Italy, you shall have a good overview of the real estate taxes related to the maintenance of the property, in force under Italian Law. In Italy real estate taxes represent a large part of costs related to buying and maintaining a property […]
Bank loans for property purchase in Italy
According to Italian Law, foreign citizens have the faculty to apply for a bank loan in order to purchase a property in Italy. If you are not Italian or Italian resident and you are interested in buying, restoring or refurbishing an Italian property you can apply for a bank loan. If you are an EU […]
The rent-to-buy contract under Italian Law
The rent-to-buy contract allows a promissory purchaser to immediately start living in a property, as a tenant, with the obligation of the vendor to sell the property later on, deducting the paid rental fees from the selling price. In the rent-to-buy contract, part of the rental fees is allocated partially or totally to the final […]