Prevalent residence order of the child and limited visiting rights does not exclude shared custody

By judgement no. 22219/2018 the Italian Supreme Court has confirmed that, in the context of shared custody regime, it is possible to limit husband’s right to visit and ordering child’s prevalent residence at mother habitation. Italian legislation about shared custody does not exclude the prevalent residence of the child at one of spouses’ residence. In […]
Child protection in Family Mediation

Mediation in Family matters is an alternative way of resolving disputes used in the family context, which is notoriously characterized by emotional and psychological related claims, which are difficult to be effectively managed in separation or divorce proceedings. In the Italian legal system, with the introduction of art. 155-sexies of the Civil Code. (now article 337-octies […]
New legislative proposals on Law on shared custody (DDL Pillon)

One of the most discussed bills deposited in the first months of the 18th-century aims to radically reform various Italian family law institutions. From the first reading of the bill, it is clear the attempt to overcome the results obtained from legislative and jurisprudential evolution concerning the protection of the “best interest of the child”.The bill concentrates […]
Protests against the bill Pillon

The legislative proposal on shared custody of children in separated couples is called “DDL Pillon” and it is inspired by the principle of “perfect double-parenthood” and wants to replace the previous law on joint custody (Law no. 54/2006). The text, widely discussed and debated, cancels the alimony, provides for double domicile of the child and […]
Visitation rights in case of refusal of the child

After the divorce, even if only one of the former spouses is the sole custodian of the child, still the noncustodial parent is granted with visitation rights. Visitation rights consist of the right of the divorced parent to maintain meaningful relationships with their children. Usually, the days and hours and any extended periods of time […]