The Italian Family Custody: a brief outline

Italian law n. 184/1983 governs family custody in those events where the spouses are unable to exercise parental responsibility. In this event, the State governs a set of support modules and help for the spouses.   The family custody aims to protect the minor till the spouses are able to exercise their parental responsibility or […]

Italian adoption: new rules for single people and age limitations

Adoption is the process through which a person assumes the parenting of a child or adult. Moreover, a legal adoption permanently transfers all filiation rights and responsibilities to new parent or parents. Several jurisdictions has implemented a robust framework for adoption schemes also determining rules and parameters to comply. For instance, some jurisdiction may recognise […]

Italian separation law and spouse’s visiting rights.

According to the Italian legislation, separation does not imply the dissolution of the matrimonial ties. However, separation entails the dissolution of marital fidelity and cohabitation duty. Moreover, separation is a temporary measure so that spouses may reconcile their positions. Italian separation proceeding affects personal and economic status of spouses apart from affecting future relationships between […]

Brexit and family: how UK’s withdrawal from the EU influences Family Law matters

After forty-seven years of membership, the UK has left the EU. However, further negotiations and round tables with Europe still to come. In fact, Brexit entails a wide set of consequences that involve, politics, economics, security, human rights, and the application of the law. In particular, thanks to Regulations and Directives, EU has given itself […]