Alimony and spousal maintenance in Italy

In Italy, spousal maintenance is an unwaivable right which is not subject to time limitation. Spousal maintenance constitutes spouses’ obligation to provide an economic support to the spouse who – for objective reasons – is not able to take care for himself/herself. According to the Italian legislation n.898/1970, divorce proceedings sentence also includes the amount […]

Quantification of child maintenance in Italy

According to the art. 337 ter, section 4 of Civil Code, child maintenance first criteria is the so called direct maintenance. In such case, the economic assistance is not mediated by the provision of a periodical cheque. On the contrary, the spouse directly satisfies child’s needs and expectations with the purpose of establishing a collaborative […]

Failure to pay child support: low standard of living does not constitute an exemption

According to the Italian Court of Cassation, low standard of living caused by temporary job problems does not dispense the spouse to pay for the child support. In details, sentence N. 48567/2019 confirmed that the spouse did not prove its inability to comply with child support duty. Moreover, during the period child support payment did […]