Fake profile on social media: It constitutes illegitimate personal data processing

The case concerns the offender that created a fake social network profile by using victim’s personal data. In such case, this conduct constitutes an offence according art.167 Italian Privacy Code.  In fact, the creation of a social network profile entails a persistent and illegitimate use of personal data. Sentence n. 42565/2019 states some of the […]

Have you been affected by stalking acts in Italy?

Generic harassment differs from a stalking. In particular, harassment offence covers sporadic and random conducts carried out by the offender. On the contrary, stalking requires persecutory conducts able to provoke anxiety, fear, and lifestyle changing. Stalking offence is characterised by repeated behaviors carried out by the stalker. Such conducts shall: –          Create a persistent anxiety […]

Did you experience domestic violence in Italy? Here is few safeguards for the victims

Domestic violence cases are often subject of many news. It depicts a sort of violence that takes place within a familiar residence targeting children, women, elders, and weakest subjects. According to the art. 572 Civil Code, “whoever abuses of family member or domestic partner, or any individual subject to his/her authority is punished to imprisonment […]

Italian Inheritance shares in the context of intestate succession

In the event the deceased do not leave any will, Intestate succession (“Successione legittima”) will take place. In particular, this inheritance scheme is governed by the law that indicates legitimate heirs and related inheritance shares. In the context of inheritance shares, such shares vary according to the bond between the deceased and heirs and coheirs. […]

Foreign surrogacy and transcription in Italy

Surrogacy is the medical practice consisting on male gamete plantation within a third woman uterus, which is committed to go through her pregnancy on behalf of the future parents. Such Medical practice is legitimate is some foreign countries while in Italy it is against unborn child constitutional and moral principles. It seems questionable if such […]