Stalking and parental visiting rights in Italy: an outline

  Criminal section of Italian Cassation Court has declared (Sentence N. 10904/2020) that parent’s abusive and unfair conducts cannot be recognised as the widening of parent’s visiting rights towards the child. Stalking offence has been introduced within Italian Law in 2009. In such case, Italian Legal System introduced obsessive persecution criminal offence; which punishes any […]

Do you need an executor for your Italian will?

Article 700 Civil Code establishes the possibility for the testator to appoint a will executor, namely the trustworthy individual which task is making sure testator’s last wills will be properly carried out. The executor might be an heir or the legatee. The executor appointment shall be accepted in writing before the registry of the Court […]

Italian libel by social media: an outline

Generally speaking, social media are perceived as public squares where individuals may socialise, discuss, and exchange opinion. In this context, it is possible that individuals decide to post aggressive, offensive, or defamatory comments. Such conduct brings several consequence especially defamation law. In addition, such offence is typical within separation and divorce contexts where former partners […]

Italian divorce and professional life: does the former partner have right to Alimony?

With the purpose of establishing alimony within a divorce proceeding, Italian Cassation Court confirms that you need to take into consideration former wife’s sacrifice of her professional life expectations. Especially when such sacrifice took place with the purpose of prioritize former husband’s professional life. In the context of alimony evaluation, judge needs to take into […]

Italian legal separation: can you prevent access to the family house?

Within a context of legal separation, both spouse shall behave in a collaborative way. Even though the presence of clear evidences that the relation is now over, spouses shall never end to behave honestly with each other. Therefore, in presence of hindering conducts such as blocking the access to the family house to the other […]