Biological damage occurs when a natural person suffers physical or mental harm. The Italian Constitution guarantees physical and mental integrity and, for this very reason, the natural person needs to be adequately compensated.

Italian Minister of labour and social policies has approved new indemnity tables valid for the next three years. Those tables will provide new reference points for future indemnities causing physical or psychological harms.

New tables avoid gender differentiations confirming same treatments for men and women. However, compensation sums will always depend on age class and disability degree.

New tables raised initial compensative amount by almost 40%. In particular, indemnity financial value progressively increases as the disability degree grows. Moreover, those parameters will revalued on an annual basis.  

New tables parameters have been drafted after weighting previous compensative guidelines. In order to define new compensative criteria, the adjustment of life expectancy indicator has been taken into consideration.

New indemnity table will enter into force on 1st January 2019. Then, it means that new compensative parameters will apply only for those harms occurred and assessed after first of January 2019.