Inheritance, Probate and Contested Probate in Italy


VGS Family Lawyers specialises also in Inheritance and Succession cases, involving both contested or non contested probate, under Italian law. 

According to Private International Law, for example, the transfer of any property is ruled by the lex rei sitae, meaning by this, the law of the country where the property is situated. This means that if you inherit a property in Italy then you need to look for the assistance of an Italian probate lawyer. 

As well as if you inherit a share or an Italian bank account or if the deceased was an Italian citizen, or resident or domiciled and left some assets in Italy. Sometimes inheritance may be complicated by opposing interests among the heirs, although beloging to the same family and this may become emotional and stressful. 

Our team of probate lawyers and expert litigators will assist you all over the way to prevent, when possible, any familiar dispute and, when this is not possible, to represent you in any negotiation or controvery, in order to protect your rights and interests. 

Most of our lawyers are also mediators and this is a plus when it comes to negotiate, because you have to be aware that inheritance disputes, under Italian Law,  may be extremely long and therefore expensive. That is why  our approach is to keep the court as the last possible resort. And that is why clients keep choosing us. 

Therefore if you need to: 

  • challenge the validity of a Will; 
  • or to file for a probate; 
  • or to issue legal proceeding to ask for your share of inheritance; 
  • or to activate a family mediation to distribute the assets of an inheritance and to trasnfer the ownership of a property located in Italy, 

just contact us: