A will or testament is a legal document that expresses individual’s dispositions as to properties and other issues are going to be settled after his/her death. Therefore, this is a legal contract that disposes about testator’s material and non-material relationships. The will is a personal and unilateral contract, which can be challenged only by a person involved by the will itself.

The international will is a specific typology of will that has been established in 1973 by Washington Convention. The international will offers a solid legal base for those individuals who have properties in different countries and other international material and non-material relations. The international will Is also prevent legal issues involving probate or validation procedures from different jurisdictions. In fact, the format established by the Convention prevails over applicable laws or compliance procedures.

Foreign individuals who lives in Italy may adhere to the International Will scheme given that their country of residence has joined to Washington Convention. In order to proceed with an international Will, you need to present testamentary dispositions before a notary. Those dispositions need to be compliant with Washington Convention. Additionally, in presence of two witnesses, the testator shall declare that he/she is aware about the content of the testament and that he/she is aware that that was a testament.

The International Testament can be drafted in any languages and its date is established by the notary at the end of the document.

The European Certificate of Succession is connected with the International Will. The certificate is a document that heirs, will executors, and legatees may use in the event they want their status connected to the will  to be recognised.

VGS lawyers have achieved brilliant results in assisting the drafting of national or international wills. VGS lawyers also may provide you with notarial service. Should you need any assistance about International o National will, please fill the form you find in this page.