Alimony and Tax Return
Alimony is an economic emolument, consisting of a sum of money paid to the weaker spouse (financially weaker) or in the form of financial support

Father and mother on Identity Card
The advice of the Italian Data Protection Authority The Italian Government has recently requested the advice of the Italian Data Protection Authority, on the possible

Prevalent residence order of the child and limited visiting rights does not exclude shared custody
By judgement no. 22219/2018 the Italian Supreme Court has confirmed that, in the context of shared custody regime, it is possible to limit husband’s right

Private violence
Changing the entire lock of main house door may constitute private violence? Changing the lock of the entrance door with the intention of preventing spouse’s

Invalidity pension only applies to Italian residents
The Italian Supreme Court – Employment section has confirmed that invalidity pension applies only within Italian territory. (judgement no..21901). This ordinance is in line with

Divorce Certificate and Jurisdiction
Italian Minister of Justice has faced the delicate issue of the divorce certificate release that must be submitted to the country where the applicant wants

Divorce: if the spouse does not pay alimony
Art. 570 bis of the Italian Criminal Code takes into consideration the violations of duties regarding family care. In particular, article 570 bis provides that in case of

Alimony payment increased if the spouse has a high annual income
Italian Supreme Court confirmed the existence of the wife’s right to maintain the standard of living enjoyed when she used to live with her partner.

Limitation to husband’s rights to satisfy his sexual needs
According the Italian Supreme Court, a legitimate sexual intercourse between partners always requires both parties’ consent. In fact, marriage does not constitute per se a

Family Home assigned to the former spouse with daughter studying in another city.
Italian Supreme Court has confirmed the legitimacy of its decision about the assignment of family house to the former spouse who lives with the daughter