Current draft law aims to punish a person who induces or maintains another individual under a continuous state of subjection using deception, threat or abusing infirmity status.

Violence can take various forms. In fact, there are physical, psychological, and moral violence. Such last type of violence is the subject matter of a draft law that aim to introduce a new criminal offence under art. 610 bis Criminal Code named “Reduction of the person to a state of subjection”.

Present draft law is focused on psychological violence consequences. In fact, moral violence is silent and insidious due to absence of physical tracks. Moreover, the victim is no aware of the psychological abuses he/she is suffering. The state of subjection is slow violence process. It starts with forced isolation of the victim, manipulation, insidious persuasion and coercion. In such context, the victim is absorbed into influence sphere of the offender. Then, the victim often feels isolated from his/her social context. The victim feels oppressed and also powerless almost accepting the subjection state he/she is experiencing.

In relation to such psychological dominance over the victim, regulators are seeking to empower protection of individuals’ freedom. Draft law provisions are entitled to protect victims self-determination capacity in order to punish any behavior that might compromise such freedom.

Penalties also increase in the event such oppressive behaviors were targeting a minor. Moreover, penalties increase also in the event moral violence included some form of physical violence.

VGSlawyer professionals are aware that psychological violence may also take place within familiar environment. For this reason, we are focused and motivated to assist you in relation to any form of violence you might have suffered in familiar and non-familiar environments.