Sexual violence and rape are considered as criminal offences under Italian Law, they have been classified as “crimes against individual freedom and against the individual”.
The Italian Law provides for the imprisonment from 6 to 12 years (Art. 609-bis of the Italian Criminal Code) for the offender.

In particular, sexual violence is the conduct of an offender who, by violence or threat or abuse of authority, forces someone to commit or suffer sexual acts.
Italian law also punishes anyone who induces someone to perform or suffer sexual acts, either by abusing the physical or mental inferiority conditions or by misleading the victim.

The punishment may be increased if certain circumstances occur. In fact, the punishment is increased by 1/3 in the following circumstances: a) where the sexual violence is committed by a parent; b) by using drugs or weapons; c) against a minor; d) against a pregnant woman; e) by a spouse, within the context of a marital relationship.

Sexual violence victims may be either women or men, of all ages indistinctively, and it can be a very traumatic experience, especially if suffered away from one’s home country.        
VGS Lawyers will offer you support, confidentiality and the maximum care. And we will assist for any legal proceeding you need to issue.

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