Italian Separation and adultery: liability profiles

Along the years, Italian Law has carefully observed the adultery phenomenon and its consequences within familiar environment. According to the art. 143 Civil Code, the institution of marriage implies several duties and responsibilities such as spouses’ mutual fidelity obligation, moral and economic assistance, collaboration and cohabitation.   In some cases, the adultery might be the […]

Italian separation and virtual infidelity

Separation might be the initial step in the divorce process or it may serve the purpose of re-determine marriage perspectives. A separation process can be informally initiated, or there can be a legal separation certified by formal separation agreement filed with the court. As for a divorce separation may include provisions for alimony, children custody […]

Italian separation and infidelity: a case study

Marital separation occurs when married spouses stop living together without getting divorced. Separation might be the initial step in the divorce process or it may serve the purpose of re-determine marriage perspectives. A separation process can be informally initiated, or there can be a legal separation certified by formal separation agreement filed with the court. As for a divorce separation may […]