Unwanted pregnancy and hospital liability

According to Italian Law, self-determination right entails individuals’ capacity to undertake autonomous and independent decisions. In the healthcare scenario, in order to safeguard self-determination right, you need that public institutions actively participate in ensuring that self-determination right is achieved.   Within this context, spouses that decide to stop any future pregnancy are expressing their self-determination […]

Child support and spouse’s direct ascendants

Child support constitutes family law institute aiming to contribute to education and wellbeing of children within the context of unsuccessful marriage. Child support is a corner stone of divorce or separation procedures and it is the natural extension of a landmark principle: the interest of the child. In fact, according to this parameter, children shall […]

Covid-19: is the child maintenance payment affected?

child custody

Within marital relationship both parents have a moral and legal obligation to financially support their children while they are growing up; inside or outside the marital relationship. Child maintenance usually entails regular financial payments made towards a child’s everyday living expenditure including education and leisure time. Payments are regular and their non-performance may lead to […]

Quantification of child maintenance in Italy

According to the art. 337 ter, section 4 of Civil Code, child maintenance first criteria is the so called direct maintenance. In such case, the economic assistance is not mediated by the provision of a periodical cheque. On the contrary, the spouse directly satisfies child’s needs and expectations with the purpose of establishing a collaborative […]