The Statutory Demand (Injunction) under Italian Law

The statutory demand or injunction (or monitoring order or payment order) is an instrument, governed by Articles 633  and the following of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure which allows the creditor to quickly obtain security to recover more effectively, in a short time and with reduced costs, his credit towards the debtor. This is […]

Debt Recovery in Italy: Brief guidelines

Uncertainties about commercial relationship and eventual economic crisis might endanger fair conclusion of several commercial deals.  Delayed payments often take place but sometimes the creditor are unable to recover the amount they are entitled. Italian Law provides the creditor with various legal instruments for debt collection. It is essential to analyse the situation and use […]

The Italian debt recovery procedures

International businesses and increasing amount of trans border contracts and deals increase the amount of individuals seeking to recover certain amounts from foreign debtors. Based on that, several jurisdictions implemented adequate tools that serve the purpose of debt recovery.   Debt collection represents an effective instrument to deal with a company or individual who fails […]