Italian divorce and professional life: does the former partner have right to Alimony?

With the purpose of establishing alimony within a divorce proceeding, Italian Cassation Court confirms that you need to take into consideration former wife’s sacrifice of her professional life expectations. Especially when such sacrifice took place with the purpose of prioritize former husband’s professional life. In the context of alimony evaluation, judge needs to take into […]
Italian divorce agreement: the duration of marriage

According to the Italian Law, marriage duration constitutes an important requirement for the assessment of alimony. Specifically, the duration of the marriage may influence the amount or denying the economic support itself. In the present case, Verona first instance Court denied spouse alimony due to the “time-factor”. In fact, the Judge assessed that three years […]
Italian separation, reconciliation and divorce

According to Italian Family Law, spouses that realise their cohabitation and communal life have come to and end can proceed with separation and subsequent divorce. Italian Family law allows divorce only through a period of separation; which can be consensual or contested. During such separation period, spouses interrupt their marital responsibilities and duties with eventual […]
Parental Responsibility and Child Custody in Italy: A brief guideline

Marital responsibilities and economic and familiar consequences of a wedding are relevant to anybody who has decided to take forward his/her marriage relationship. In details, it is important to slightly highlight the main steps spouses shall undertake in the event of the interruption of the marital relationship. The following guideline aims to indicate main […]
Italian alimony and spouse’s inheritance

Alimony is one of the undesired consequences of unsuccessful marital relationships. According to main jurisdictions, alimony is a legal obligation that takes the form of spousal economic support before or after marital separation or divorce. Italian Law has recently confirmed that alimony amount shall be assessed based on several parameters including also the duration […]