Italian alimony and spouses’ economic condition

The dissolution of marriage consists in the termination of the marital union. World-wide divorce laws entails the reorganisation of legal duties and responsibilities also including issues regarding redistribution of property, child custody and support, alimony, and visiting rights. However, depending on the cultural background, each jurisdiction may implement a different approach to marriage termination and […]
Online separation and divorce in Italy

Social distancing rules will still apply for many countries. In this context, several legal proceedings shall respect social distancing provisions in order to protect public health. However, such emergency period shall not prevent to ensure protection to the family as stated by the Italian Constitution. The Italian Bar Association released extraordinary measures that will be […]
Italian divorce: the overview

In world-wide jurisdictions marriage is considered the foundation of society. However, the same jurisdictions also recognise the dissolution of marriage which consist in the termination of the marital union. World-wide divorce laws entails the reorganisation of legal duties and responsibilities also including issues regarding redistribution of property, child custody and support, alimony, and visiting rights. […]
Italian separation and divorce settlement: the adultery

After the Italian “quick divorce” legislation came into effect, divorce procedure in Italy has been made faster and more effective. In fact, in order to dissolve a marital relationship in Italy, you need a six or twelve-month period to get a mutual and judicial separation respectively. Separation does not end the marital relationship but it […]
Alimony and spousal maintenance in Italy

In Italy, spousal maintenance is an unwaivable right which is not subject to time limitation. Spousal maintenance constitutes spouses’ obligation to provide an economic support to the spouse who – for objective reasons – is not able to take care for himself/herself. According to the Italian legislation n.898/1970, divorce proceedings sentence also includes the amount […]