Consensual Separation under Italian law

Consensual separation is the procedure that allows spouses to separate by mutual agreement, also establishing the economic conditions and custody of the children The consensual separation is, therefore, the instrument that the law makes available to spouses who intend to separate by mutual agreement and who have therefore jointly established the rights relating to the […]

Can the former wife live in the family house with her new partner?

The assignment of the marital home to the spouse with whom the children live, in the aftermath of the separation or divorce judgment, is always crucial and core of numerous controversies. A major issue is to the possibility of hosting, within the property, third parties and, in particular, a possible new partner. When the family […]

Child Custody in Italy: the minor may be placed with the father

When it comes to separation it is almost natural to think of the mother as the one best suited to take care of the growth of minor children and the management of their daily activities, from school commitments to afternoon activities. Not all times, however, the mother-child relationship remains serene as it should, indeed, many […]

Child Support Under Italian Law Most Recent Jurisprudence

CHILD SUPPORT UNDER ITALIAN LAW MOST RECENT ITALIAN JURISPRUDENCE   According to Italian Law, parents are obliged to support their children solely for the existence of the filiation relationship. This obligation, in fact, exists both in the case of children born of Italian marriage and from cohabitation and persists even in the event of Italian […]

Italian defamation by Internet Service Provider: the “WhatsApp status” case

According to Italian Law, harmful statements towards the honour and dignity of the offended subject released through WhatsApp status may give rise to defamation criminal offence. In this case, the defamation arises in case the statements are visible to the contacts, Previous principle has been affirmed by the Italian Court of Cassation in the sentence […]