Does spouse’s conflict affect shared custody regime in Italy?

Separation and divorce constitute the unfortunate consequence of marriage and marital relationship. Then, in the previous cases, family law points out a set of measures and processes that shall be undertaken with the purpose of protecting the children. In this context, custody regimes and visiting rights represent important steps to carry out in the interest […]
Italian shared custody and Covid-19

2020 pandemic is still affecting society’s main life aspects. Contractual uncertainty is impacting global business relationships while employments agreements are jeopardised by the upcoming economic crisis. In this context, child custody regimes might be impacted by covid-19. In particular, how the covid-19 is able to affect spouses’ visiting rights especially when they are have not […]
Foreign surrogacy and transcription in Italy

Surrogacy is the medical practice consisting on male gamete plantation within a third woman uterus, which is committed to go through her pregnancy on behalf of the future parents. Such Medical practice is legitimate is some foreign countries while in Italy it is against unborn child constitutional and moral principles. It seems questionable if such […]