Cyberbullying in Italy: children protection and safeguards

Within a networked society, an increasing amount of youth people experienced abuses and violence in the context of bullying. In the last year of distance learning, bullying episode increased within a digital environment that only recently has started to cope with the legal figure of cyberbullying. According to the Italian Law N. 71/2019, Cyberbullying is […]

Do you want to exercise your Right to be forgotten in Italy?

The right to be forgotten is one of the ways the right to privacy may find protection. In fact, this rights entails the procedure through which the data subject demand to be “forgotten” by the press commentary. Specifically, the right to be forgotten entails that public interest around a certain fact is restricted to a […]

Fake profile on social media: It constitutes illegitimate personal data processing

The case concerns the offender that created a fake social network profile by using victim’s personal data. In such case, this conduct constitutes an offence according art.167 Italian Privacy Code.  In fact, the creation of a social network profile entails a persistent and illegitimate use of personal data. Sentence n. 42565/2019 states some of the […]