Italian alimony: how much previous standard of living affects the decision?

Separation and divorce constitute the unfortunate consequences of a marriage where spouses decide to end the matrimonial bond. Generally speaking, in addition to the eventual economic inadequacy of one of the spouses, the right to alimony is established in favour of the spouse which did not cause the separation or divorce. In the context of […]

Italian civil partnership and separation: the underage child

Italian child custody law has been recently reformed after two different legislations that equalise the legal position of every child. In particular, the Italian Law also foresee the legal condition of the underage child born in the context of civil partnership. Underage children born within a context of civil partnership are protected regardless the presence […]

Italian alimony and cohabitation outside marriage

According to Italian Cassation Court, the presence of a new stable cohabitation with another subject justifies the withdrawing of alimony legal obligation. With the ordinance N. 22064/2020, the Italian Supreme Court confirms that a new stable cohabitation, characterised by economic and moral assistance denies alimony requirements. The Italian Cassation Court has overturned previous Court of […]