Registration of the birth certificate with two fathers

After the decision of the Court of Livorno, also the Court of Pisa has accepted the registration of the foreign certificate birth of a child born with two fathers. The child at issue was born in the US, in 2010 and his birth certificate, regularly registered in his municipality of residence, has been filled with […]

Registration of birth certificate with two fathers, the denial of the Supreme Court

The Italian Supreme Court has ruled that the Italian civil registries shall not register foreign acts that recognize the relationship of filiation between a child born through surrogacy and his non-biological parent, in contradiction with what has been recognized by other courts before.  Therefore, homosexual couples who have had a child abroad born with surrogacy […]

Registration of the birth certificate with two fathers

After the decision of the Court of Livorno, also the Court of Pisa has accepted the registration of the foreign certificate birth of a child born with two fathers. The child at issue was born in the US, in 2010 and his birth certificate, regularly registered in his municipality of residence, has been filled with […]